Sabbath "In the Beginning"

In the beginning God created people and then created the Sabbath (Genesis 2:1-4) on the seventh day of the week.  In Genesis 2:2-3 we learn that God did three things on the Sabbath:

  1.  He rested.
  2. He blessed the Sabbath.
  3. He sanctified the Sabbath.

What better time to spend with Him than the day He blessed and made holy?

In addition, God commands us to keep the Sabbath day holy in Exodus 20:8-11, and specifies the “seventh day is the Sabbath to the Lord thy God,” in Exodus 20:10.

Jesus and the Sabbath

People are often under the impression that the Sabbath day changed to the first day of the week, but there is nothing in the Bible to support that the law was changed from the seventh day to the first day.  Instead, it is important to note that several scriptures say Jesus kept the Sabbath (Matthew 21:14, 23, Mark 11:27, Mark 12:35, Luke 2:46, Luke 4:16, Luke 22:53, John 7:14, 28, John 8:2, 20, John 18:20).  Even after his death and resurrection, Paul and the Apostles continued to keep the Sabbath (Acts 13:14, 42, 44, Acts 16:13, Acts 17:2, Acts 18:4, 11).

When Jesus explains in Mark 2:27-28 that “the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath,” this is supported by the fact that man was created before the Sabbath in Genesis.


The Seventh Day Baptist conference website says it well when it explains:

“Seventh Day Baptists believe that the Sabbath is important to God and to people. However, we also believe that we are not saved by observing the Sabbath. In fact, we are not saved by keeping any of the Ten Commandments. The Apostle Paul says, “no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law” (Romans 3:20).

“Seventh Day Baptists believe that we are saved because “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son” (John 3:16). Jesus Christ came to earth to die and shed His blood so that people could be saved. Only those who surrender their lives to Jesus Christ will be saved.”

Seventh Day Baptist Conference Website

Why Saturday?

Then why do Seventh Day Baptists go to church on Saturday if they don’t have to for salvation?  The short answer is because it is one of the many ways to show God you love Him.  Celebrating the Sabbath provides us with many opportunities:

  • To give God your undivided attention.
  • To have 24 hours of rest guilt-free!
  • To experience God’s provision.
  • To deny ourselves and the World and choose God in willful obedience instead.
  • To enrich our personal relationship with God.

In addition, the Sabbath is the day that God committed his resources of the Kingdom to set us free from working on the Sabbath.

The experience of keeping the Sabbath is different for everyone because it is a reflection of the personal relationship each of us has with God. 

If you find value in keeping the Sabbath or if you have any questions, please feel to contact us!